^^Hi, Everyone.^^

As most of you probably know, I'm working on a Transformers story at the moment that has taken up all of my attention (or whatever attention I have left over from preparing for college).

Thanks to my strange muse, I'm thinking of making a Transformers/Digimon crossover.

Keke will most definitely be present, but I have two separate ideas and I'm not sure which one to run with.

First is the 'traditional' version, with eight people and the Digital World and the same basic storyline of 'Digimon Adventures', that I've done plenty of times before.

The other is definitely more creative, but also harder; where Keke, being the computer genius she is (added with something special that happens at the end of 'Transformers: Birth of an Angel' and is further explained in the following series of one-shots, 'Transformers: Moments'), creates the Digital World on accident and is entrusted with the eight Digimon from Season 1.

Which one do you guys prefer?

Do you want me to do a crossover at all?

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think!
July 24th, 2011 at 09:07pm