
Well I'm sitting here at a college campus with my mom and little brother. They are on Dell computers while I'm on a mac computer. I don't care what people say I love Macs. I like how the keyboard is so flat and fun to type with.
It's 91 degrees outside but the computer labs are always air conditioned so that the computers don't over heat and melt much like most humans are doing outside. I'm just sitting here reading fan fictions on Wattpad.
Has anyone ever used it? I think it's pretty good. So i am copying my story 'She quenched my thirst" onto it to see if people over there would like it. If you have a Wattpad and want to fan me my user name there is the same as this one purpleamethyst
That's all for now my amazing readers
It has dropped to 79 degrees but still everyone stay cool :)
July 24th, 2011 at 10:46pm