thought of the day

walked into work expecting the usual yada-yada, but was greeted by extra crap, because one of my work-mates decided our department wasn't important enough to stay put in. well... lets just say, she might not feel that way in a few days... that's if she still has a job after tomorrow. you see, I am a self-proclaimed ______ and am old enough not to care anymore. going to work is about going to work... it sucks, but it's a job. don't want a job then do something costructively positive in your favour to not get stuck in rut you don't want to be in. but whatever you do, don't balme others for being where you are. you chose it after all by the choices you make in life. it seems one of the choices my work-mate chose was to not help those that needed her to do her job and helped others elsewhere who would have survived without her. she also let the manager think she wasn't needed in her department and therefore pulled a con. the sad, but funny to me, part, is that I talked to the manager in question about my work-mate and she had no idea we needed her, thus becoming annoyed. this manager is the department manager for the area of our store that my work-mate wants to work in. so time will only tell if my work-mate managed to shoot herself in the foot. it's about responsibilty and reliabilty, to which it seems, as far as work goes, my work-mate seems to lack. I find this sad, but can't help having a giggle at her expense, because on so many levels this is funny. if I was Christian, I would be going downstairs for a very warm visit, but I am not. however, my own faith dictates that I'm being judgemental and that in itself will keep me from reaching my own potential. oh well, I already knew I wasn't going to ascend this lifetime... we all reap what we sow... I intend to see what my garden is going to grow.
July 25th, 2011 at 06:40am