A Summer of Nothing : Boys, Boys, Boys

So today I took a spontaneous trip to Keansburg at almost 10 o'clock at night and it made me have an epiphany. I have nothing better to do with my summer than take a Sunday night trip with my parents and little brothers that lasts about two hours. I HAVE NOT HAD A DATE IN MONTHS. I sound like a psychotic desperate housewife or something but it is honesty. Well actually my last date was last month, but it feels like months. I have a small puppy crush on someone, well its not small...i get jittery whenever i see him, hear his name, or text him... but he has no interest in me i can feel it. He's way out of my league and I could never be witha guy like him, but he sure is fun to look at. Then there's the ex who i cannot get over for the life of me. He wants me back but it's not so simple. I need to know that i'm with the right person, and if it didn't work before, then why now? Next, there's the guy who's four years my senior and who changes in my eyes every week. One day hes a sweetheart who i could see myself being with, and then he's an assonine moron who will bang anything that walks. He is just on another planet half the time that i am yet to travel to. Then, there's the creeper who wants to be with me by whatever means necessary and, who i want to file a restraining order against! I mean , i just can't be a bitch to the guy... i guess i'm too nice sometimes. Lastly, there's the guy i've known since the day I was bkrn. I've literally grown and matured with him and admire the person he's become, the people we've become together. I want to tell him how i feel, but i'm deathly afraid of being shot down. I don't know what to do that will make me happy, not crush anyone, and not turn my life into a Scylla and Charybdis type situation. My love life is out of control, and although the title of this entry is Boys, Boys, Boys, i feel like i'll end up Alone,Lone,Lone...
July 25th, 2011 at 07:27am