Mibba Revolution // 18th Birthday ideas...help? //Tumblr and some whoring

I know I'm kinda late to jump on the bandwagon, but the mibba revolution sounds like such a fantastic idea, so I'm going to try and help where possible...Mibba should be the community it used to be, that'd be so great.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, look here


Okay, so my mum has finally said I can have an 18th birthday party!! :D Which surprised me rather a lot, as she's always insisted I'm not allowed because she's scared my friends will trash the place...whatever. I didn't even have to nag her. Point is, at the moment it's just going to be a normal "bring your own alcohol, get drunk, pass out" kind of party."

But I want a theme. I just don't know what

Ideas and suggestions welcome, honeys! What did you do for your eighteenth?

And presents. I have no clue what I want for my birthday. My mum suggested a Pandora bracelet, but I can't see the practicality of that. Paying that much for something that could easily get broken seems pointless to me. I'd rather have some cheap version that I can replace. Or a locket. Those are nice too.

Something with meaning, basically

All I've managed to come up with so far is a camcorder, a camera (my current one is a Vivicam and can't take a decent picture to save its life) or an e-reader; purely because I'm going to university next year, so it's easier than carrying all those books. I still prefer physical books to something digital.

Anybody have any ideas what I should ask for? I'm stuck here, I really am


Ah, what would a journal be without at least a little whoring? Firstly, my tumblr. I post all kinds of stuff, mainly what's on my mind. Follow, I follow back =]

And lastly, some stories. Headstrong is finished :( But the sequel is well on its way! Check it. Another story I'm working on is Blessed with a Curse. It is an incest, but it won't have a happy ending. It just doesn't seem logical with those types of situations to me.

Anyhow, I'm off to make myself a cup of tea. Even if it's almost midnight. Leave me comments, lovelies!
July 26th, 2011 at 12:28am