The best part of "believe" is the "lie"

I was really starting to worry. Pregnant and alone. Confused and hurt. But you stayed. You made me think everything would be okay. You gave me false hope for the future. When i found out i was pregnant i cried for hours. I did not want a kid now. Barely 18 and fresh out of high school. But i accepted it and believed you. That was my biggest mistake, trusting you. You proposed for the fifteenth million time but this time you had a ring. As i did every other time i said yes without any hesitation. So excited and all this happiness bottled up. I want to tell my friends. I want to tell my dad. I want the world to know. Is that wrong? Im 18 now so why is everything still a big secret. You call and tell me you told your dad. Im excited and wanna know all the details. The first words out of your mouth after that: "He's fine with it, i mean god know we don't want a kid but." So wait, you told him im pregnant. What about you proposing. Did you mention that? No? What, you dont want to tell him yet? So you would rather tell him you knocked me up than you want to spend forever with me. How bout your best friends? Yeah you told them... That i was pregnant. But again you don't wanna tell them the other thing either. So wait you want to marry me but you don't want to tell anyone? Um, thanks. You ask if i wear my ring. Whats the point if we're denying the whole marrage thing anyway? 18. I want to be starting college. Instead i have to leave my family. My baby brother. Everyone... Im giving up my life for you and you think you can ignore me? I wanna go back to 3rd grade where the biggest problem was chasing boys to give them cooties. I wanna listen to my mother when she said 24 year olds only want sex. I honestly want to end my life. Will you admit you wanted to marry me after im dead? Will you attend my funneral with my family and mother you hate? Will you stand up and tell people how unhappy i really was? Or will you hide like a coward, skip my funneral, refuse to move on, and gain sympathy from others? Why can't you just love me for me. Honey you're amazing but i can find someone else amazing who wont ask me to change. I love you but i wont give up, i wont surrender to you.
July 26th, 2011 at 01:51am