Sleepless Nights | Swaps | Questions

Well school starts tomorrow so I need to not wake up at 3 AM like I have been doing for the past summer. What does this mean? I need to take multiple precautions. This will include taking my sleeping pills, going to bed on a full stomach, not drinking so I won't have to get up once I do fall asleep, and staying up until at least ten or ten thirty (but not so late I won't be able to get to sleep). This means I need to find ways to occupy myself. Because when you wake up at 3 AM, trust me, you're ready to go to bed by eight or nine. Especially if you find yourself lacking things to do. I toyed with either watching a movie illegally online or reading the rest of the Hunger Games (but doing so will depress me, so). I decided I'm going to compromise

The plan for the night:
- Get things ready for school (which will take fifteen to twenty minutes)
- Watch another episode of Criminal Minds (about fifty minutes)
- Watch It's Kind of a Funny Story (an hour and thirty minutes?)
- Read until at least chapter ten of Mockingjay (assuming I'm able to stop) (forty to fifty minutes)

Also, I'm going to waste some time on comment swaps, yeah? If you have a chaptered story with under five chapters, comment Handcrafted Monsters (which has only two chapters). If you have one over five, comment Where the Road Ends (eight chapters) if you like original fiction or []Hoping for Disaster[/url] (seven chapters if you like fan fiction. You comment first, only rule.

1. Comment swaps, my dears?
2. Do any of you have insomnia? If so (or even if not) what do you to help get and stay asleep?
3. What's your favorite and least favorite movie? Why?
4. Do you have road rage or "road understanding" ("oh that's fine, cut me off, I'm sure you didn't see me")?
5. Favorite fictional character?
July 27th, 2011 at 02:07am