Singing the song i posted here and imma send the link

So as some of you know, I write poemz and songs. Yess. hahaa. My song "You're My worst Addiction", is being practiced now by vocalist, ME and Guitarist, My BFF krista. When up and recorded, i will make a new journal so that fans may follow the link. Thankz again people and if u havent read my song or like emotional poems, check out my work and truthfully tell me what you think so i can improve my skills. And If your a writer, let me know cause i love reading poetry. My biggest accomplishment is when ppl can relate to my work. Ha, Thats cause its based on things that happen to me mostly or otherz. Soo, plz, chekk it out.. Luvz ya mibba'z. Bye Xp
July 27th, 2011 at 08:22am