My Life as Roan Carver Valosta

well i dont really know how to start this in new to the whole blogging and writing scene. I guess ill start with my name my name is Roan Carver Valosta ... no im not related to Ville Valo the lead singer of the best band ever H.I.M even though i wish i was. So today me and some of my friends hung out at my best friend, Brandon Carter's house and he has a giant house and is big with skateboarding so of course being he is so rich he has a skate ramp in his backyard. dont get me wrong i love that he is rich cause if he wasnt i dont think he would have anything to do. so while hanging out with him and some of the guys brandons girlfriend Allie Johnson came over and it the first time i have seen her since last summer when they dated. I found it weird that she was dating him again after what he put her through last summer, he cheated on her and lied to her face about it but i guess they got past that. Anyways while hanging out with her watching Brandon and the guys skate we started catching up and i really missed her. Last summer she helped me through a lot and it was nice talking to her again. What really bugs me is that everytime i see her i feel happier and more like myself and seeing her with brandon makes me a little jealous (dont get me wrong i love brandon hes like my brother) i just dont get how she can give him a second chance after all that. I guess its just cause i havent had a girlfriend i a long time and thats y im a little jealous... Later that day me and my other bestfriend Ryan Carson started talking and shooting pool and i told me that Allie was gunna spend the night and that i have to either share my room with her (me and ry like moved into brandons house over the summer ) cause i have two beds in "my" room or i would have to move into ryans room with him. i choose to move in with ryan cause i didnt want brandon to be mad at me for sleeping in the same room as his girlfriend .. but to be honest i want ed to share a room with her. well i guess im done with my first journal entry ..... its gunna be hard living with a girl i like and that she is dating my best friend ...............................
July 27th, 2011 at 11:44am