I'm so excited!!! Has something like this ever happened to you?

He's moving back to Fl!!!! His name is Sean and I've known him since I was in elementary school. He's super sweet:) (We used to date way back when but I don't count it cause we were so young) He said he's taking his test in October so he should be back by then which is perfect for me cause I should be getting my car by then (if I can get this job. Oh lord, I hope it works out(job) for me <3) so I will be able to drive out there to go see him.


We've been talking a bit for the last few days and I just can't help but be excited for him to get back. Him and I are going to get a long great I think. I'm just happy/excited.

Has this ever happened to you?

When you were stuck on someone who didn't really care about you?
And then someone from your past comes back,
and suddenly it's all better and your grey skies,
are turned back blue?

& to think I had mentioned something about God dropping someone off in my lap not 48 hours before he popped back up.


Got any "awh" stories you wanna share?
July 27th, 2011 at 01:24pm