I Don't Care

I just need to get this out, because it really annoys me.
Why don't I care?
I really am the most laid back person I know, and I just don't care about much of anything. And there are times where I just wish I could care, but I still don't. Sometimes I pretend to care, but honestly I just couldn't give a flying camel.

Obviously this doesn't include really big issues, like someone dying. Because I care then. Just little things, and some not so little things. It's like my mom can't stop bothering me about school and do well and stuff for the future and I just sit there and don't give a crap. I know most teenagers are like this, but I think even if I'm old and have nothing, live in a crappy place and have achieved nothing, I don't think I care.

I don't care that this bug just died on my kitchen floor, I king of just watched it then crushed his buddy. That was mean. I'm also annoyed at the fact that I cared more when Ryan Dunn died than when my great aunt died. Granted I didn't know either of them, but she was my family. I'm just too laid back for my own good.

I really don't care if that made sense or not. I don't care if it was a waste of time. And I don't care if it sucks. I couldn't give a monkey if anyone reads this and I don't care if it wasted your time.
So long and goodbye, suckas.
July 27th, 2011 at 01:57pm