You Make Me Happy; He Lights Me On Fire.

You make me happy. You're sweet and kind and caring. You never want me to change. You say I'm cute; you call me sweets. Hell, you've even called me squeaks. You calm me down when I'm mad. Tell me you miss me all the time. You come and pick me up at least once a week (Or try to) just to see me because you've missed hanging around me. You like to pay for things I like and/or want even when I fight you on it. You buy me little gifts once in a while. You hug me. You give me forehead kisses. You make me smile. You're my best friend and it makes me sad that this might be all it'll ever be.

He lights me on fire. He's rude and quiet. Mysterious and sex craved. He has a short temper. He likes Yu-gi-oh & pokemon. He doesn't say "I Love You" and he doesn't say "I miss you" even though we've been together for over two years. He rarely hugs me. Barely sees me anymore. He used to be sweet and kind and gentle like you, but now he's cold. He's scared. He's hurt. And I feel like He's pushing me away. But then he gives me that rare hug. And I'm suddenly on fire. He makes my heart speed up. He takes my breath away. He can make me so mad and confuse me so much because he doesn't talk to me. He is the man I've loved for two years and I'm scared to death of losing him.

I like you; I love him.
You make me Happy; He Lights me on Fire
I miss you; I cry for him.
I really hate my heart; you say I have a big Ol' Heart.

Stop complimenting me. It's not right to hear it from you and never him. He gave up on telling me because I fought him on it too...Damnit...and him? I wish I could see him and make him tell me what it is he's feeling. I love him; I like you. It sucks. It sucks because I'm afraid of my liking you to grow into me loving you...Because I'm afraid I'll turn you into what I've turned him into.

And I promised him and myself:
I'd never leave him.

Damn you heart.
Look what you've done!
I'm stuck in the middle again.
July 27th, 2011 at 04:38pm