Wow, um, I really don't have much to say other than I took a break from writing. Like....for awhile.
I'm sorry for not updating my ongoing stories, I was just stuck between a rock and a hard place about what direction I want them to go in.
I mean, there was a point where I really didn't feel like writing the stories anymore, and was going to end them short. It took some encouragement from a friend to just sit on it. It's not that the stories were becoming boring for me, it's just, there are a few problems that I've found in the story line, and if I proceed with the way I WANTED to write them, it wouldn't sound right. So, I just took a break from them.
And now, I'm bursting at the seams with more ideas.
So, now I guess is a good a time as any to say that, along with my two other stories, I'm coming out with a fanfiction. It's not about any anime, or book. It's actually about a YouTube channel. (Guess in the comments and I'll let you know if your right XD)
It will also be infused with zombies...
And coolio super powers...
I mean, that's literally gonna be the description, too.
It'll be a comedy drama of sorts.
Trust me, I'm not one of those freaky nerd girls that drools over her laptop when watching their videos. I don't send them undies in the mail, either.
I just thought it'd be funny to write this kind of story with them in it. And it's not gonna be a piece of crap crack-fic either, it's gonna be hella awesome. So, if your waiting for me to update my other stories, this is something pretty cool you can read while you wait. When I actually get around to posting it, and you haven't heard of these guys, it'd help to look them up on youtube and watch a couple of their videos. (Especially the old ones.)

So, that's it for now.
July 28th, 2011 at 01:28am