I'm officially a blip.

So, Mibba, I have a feeling this is going to come across as whiny/attention whoring, but I feel like such a blip on here.

I've been here for three years, post on the forums fairly frequently, and am probably the most helpful person when it comes to layouts (myself and one other are the only people answering questions in the profiles forum on a regular basis, at any rate), and yet it seems like no one knows me.

I guess it's not something to really complain about and can probably be laid at the feet of my own lackluster social skills... it's just kind of a bummer.

On another note, I feel really ill. I love having my period... my arthritis gets a million times worse, I get super cranky and I'm nauseous for days. I'm loving work right now.

Blah. Less whine, girl, more happy. I have far too much to be thankful for to be this whiny.

This journal is sort of irrelevant.

If you've made it to this point, you're likely more patient than most. I'm doing a story telephone, which has a lot of interest and so far no posts. If you feel like checking it out, there's a forum post -> here.

Also also, because I whore it every time I post a journal, please go check out the mibba magazine on tumblr and Mibba's Mini Stories on tumblr.
July 28th, 2011 at 07:09am