I used to have a best friend...

we had sleepovers every other night, and in the winter, every weekend. We cheered together. When she moved to a different town, she moved there too! We liked all the same music, and we had the same "type" when it came to guys. We always shared clothes, and wore our hair the same way. We were always by eachothers side. We always went to the same school. Everyone who didnt know us, swore we were sisters!
Then one day, she invited me to hangout the next day. I (obviously) agreed. Then the next day i went on facebook, and found out she was having a "party" and the boy that she knew i liked was going to be there. So i went and got all dolled up, then texted her asking what time to come over at. She said "my mom said you cant come over..because..uh..i have too many people over." Then i found out one of the girls going, wasnt allowed because she was sick..so i asked her again. She said no again. So then i made my status "i love how your lying" and she kept msgin. Mew asking me if it was about her. I wanted to avoid the drama so i gnored her. Then she got pissed and started posting things about me. Mean things. So i messaged her about it, and we argued for a loooong time.
Then i wound up eventually deactivating my facebook because my mom no longer wamted me to have one. So i went behind her back and and made one. Well i got pissy again over taylor, and i told her i liked her boyfriend (because he liked me). Then she wanted me to fight her. So i told her to meet me at the rec. No show. She still wanted to fight. So she told me to meet her at the park. No show. So i told her to fight me in school..i went up & said "are you gunna punch me, or do i ave to punch you,?!" & i got pushed into her and she backed into the lockers..then she said "wait, why do you talk about me" and i was 0.2 seconds away from punching her..and the principle walked up. She did a hella good job at making the principle think it was all me .so i sat in the office all day. Then he said he wanted to suspend me. My mom freaked out, and put me into a christian school. Well, i made yet again a new facebook, and blocked taylor. Then facebook told me my block list was too long, and unblocked her and her best friend ashgan. I cant reblock her, because of how long my block list is. Sooo, shes cyber bullying me. She got pissed off because i set my acc to private so she would leave me alone, and she bugged out and said i was posting about her. She also is asking people to send her my statuses, or what ever else im saying. Im not saying anything about her, but i post lyrics to songs, and she thinks im saying that about her. I dont want to delete my facebook, because i dont have a phone, so thats how i keep in touch with other people..and i dont want to fight her, but she keeps saying when she sees me shes "brawlin".. I just want her out of my life, and i try so hard, but she keeps coming back!&&shes making up lies and spreading rumors about me!:( i hate my life right now..and she turned almost all my "friends" against me!! I have no one who can help me, so thats why i have come to you, mibba. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!)',:
July 28th, 2011 at 09:33am