Ranting of the mind

I debated whether or not to do this, but then, my thoughts gave in to the rising need to type. I deftly clicked my mouse as the cursor covered the "submit" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. And now, here I sit, typing all this, just to do something. To keep my mind busy, to try not to think about it. I realize that many people will probably start to read this just to go, "Oh, well, he's not saying anything important, let's leave" But I do have some important things to say.

People nowadays have the crazy assumption that just because someone or something looks or acts a certain way, they must be a certain type of person, or character if you will. When, in reality, the situation is completely circumstantial. If there was nobody around to see that person, would they still act that way? No, probably not, and that's what defines character, not how they want to be perceived as, but how they want to be when there's no chance of them getting caught being that way.

People live lies all the time. They go to their friends, make fun of people. And then later, go up to the person they made fun of around their friends, and start acting nice to them. There's just no excuse for that. People need to be the same around other people as they are by themselves. Now, of course, I may not be exactly the same around other people as I am when I'm by myself, but hey, there's a great and true saying "everybody's a hypocrite"

I take the time to write this to keep my mind busy, to keep it from thinking about certain things. I wish it were just as simple thing to do to continue to type this up until my hands bleed and I die of blood loss, never to think of it again. Unfortunately, I cannot do that, as I would fall asleep long before then.

But then, who's to say, that even if I did die, that I wouldn't be able to think of these things. who's to say that when we die, we don't become spirits and retain all of our memories while alive. Now, of course, my thoughts wouldn't quite have the same impact as I would be dead and no matter what I thought of my thoughts that I am trying to keep my mind off of right now, I wouldn't have to make any kind of decision. But, that won't happen.

I applaud you if you've read this far in this rather pointless post. It shows you have great patience, and in this case, patience is a sacred virtue. I leave you now, with the hope that because I wrote this, I will find it easier to not think about my thoughts. If that makes any sense at all.
July 28th, 2011 at 09:56am