Story Update: 'Help is on the Way' & Personal Reminder

Help is on the Way has just been updated with chapter two!

Depending on how my creativity manages, there may be more chapters later today. I have a vague image of how the next chapter will play out, so we'll see if I can make it happen today. So, be sure to leave me comments and suggestions/feedback so I can make the next chapter even better.

Also, as a personal reminder to myself, I have to write stories for these contests as soon as possible (just so the deadlines don't sneak up on me and bite me in the ass):The 80s Love Song Contest (dead. Aug 1) ?
Bandfic/Songfic Contest (dead. Aug 5)
I've Got One Confession (dead. Aug 21)
July 28th, 2011 at 06:56pm