Sophmore Year is Over Yonder Way. :)

So, basically. I'm a sophomore now. Woopie. School is starting in less than three weeks and I don't know how I should feel. For Freshman year I was kinda intimidated about the whole experience but now I just don't know if I should even care, 'cause I mean if you survive Freshman year, you pretty much conquered all. But this year is where the academics get harder and where pretty much everything is all fun and games until Junior year when we have to take the SATs or ACTs or whatever they're called. So far, I'm never doing sports through out my high school years because I tried volley ball Freshman year, didn't go so well.
I'm in cheerleading (wish me luck on that), which I'm kind of excited for, cheer practice should actually be starting anyday now. And then there's the Junior-Senior class play that they put on every year and they always let 2 or 3 sophomores in the play in case there are a few small parts open and the drama coaches really want me in the play if they have any small-medium parts left. And...the drama coaches and choir teacher are joining together this year to do a musical...I don't know how I'm gonna do on that part. And lastly, there's my every favorite, Speech! We got a new coach this year and I know this coach personally 'cause I work with her in the school with other kids but...I don't know what to speak about. My category has always been persausive speaking but this year one of my friends and I might do a humorous duo, just to kind of spice things up. Well...Speech doesn't start till January so...we've got a while to think that through...I guess...Sophomore year shouldn't be so bad. I mean, compared to last year when my gorgeous drama queen cousin of mine and I kept on fighting and fighting but now her and I are getting along great she's leaning on me since her boyfriend dumped her. Perfect...more therapy sessions. If I keep helping people with their problems like this I'm really gonna have to start charging...but how would I look if I charged my own cousin? She's family after all...and no one really likes her but she's decent at that, so I gotta be nice to her. It's better than having her ex best friend, Ashton there...she can be such a she's working with my friend, Kat at the corner store where I use to work. I told Kat that if she gives you any problems, don't be afraid to back hand her. So far no problems...yet.

July 28th, 2011 at 10:43pm