
Floccinaucinihilipilification is a word I had never heard before I was 'goosed' in the Duck Duck Goose forum game.

I think it is about the longest word I have ever seen and when I first saw it, I thought it was a fake word.

I am inclined to think that this word does not mean anything important because I have never heard anyone say floccinaucinihilipilification in a normal day to day conversation.

However, it could also be a rare species of animal that has since become extinct. xD
I know I would love to meet an animal called floccinaucinihilipilification! How exciting would that be? You'd want to tell someone what you saw, but you can't even begin to pronounce it's name?!

Upon looking up what this tediously and unnecessarily long word means, my first definition was mostly correct.

Floccinaucinihilipilification means "the estimation of something as valueless" which is basically what I said before. It does not mean that something is important and again, it's definition is about as pointless as the length of the word.

I hope you all enjoyed my lovely Duck Duck Goose journal. Maybe you even learned something? Something useless, yes, but a new thing learned nonetheless.

Bye now!
July 29th, 2011 at 10:15am