I have questions.........but I'm afraid of the answers...

How am I supposed to know.?
What happened to us.?
Werent we in love when did we just start drifting apart.?
How can I love you so much bur still just wish I could let you go.?
Is it possible or me to love you but still be with him.?
How is it that I'm with him when I want to be with you.?
Why when he kisses my lips do I wish it was you.?
Will we ever be the way we used to be.?
This is all my fault isn't.?
Why is that when I'm with you I forget about him.?
How does or feel so right being with you when it's actually wrong.?
Why when I hold his hand do i wish it was yours.?
When I look onto his green eyes why do I wish they were you gray ones.?
Will things ever change.?
When will we be the way we once were.?
Will that ever happen again.?
Things are so confusing for me, are they like this for you.?
Why am I so afraid of losing you when I already feel like I have.?
How strong is your love for me.?
When I say i love you do you even still believe me.?
How do you not hate me.?
How can you love me when i hurt you.?
Why do you try to aft so tough.?
Why do you still try with me.?
Will you ever give up.?
Do you even have answers for this.?
Will you give them to me I you do.?
July 29th, 2011 at 12:13pm