please just don't forget your shoes.


so in my last entry, i said i was going to start adding all my old journal entries from my life...i think i have changed my mind about doing that.

anyway, i just finished writing lyrics to a song i am working on. i am not quite sure what they are about, but i was following a picture i had in my mind.

it's called "sandy shoes."

you can read it underneath my poems. I would love comments and suggestions and constructive criticism on it.

in other news, i need to pee.

haha. i really do, but that's not the real news.

the news is i'm starting my last year of high school in about a week or two.

and i'm totally behind on everything!

i have three books to read for AP Lit&Comp, senior portraits to schedule, and 20 hours of jobshadowing i have to do. ughhhhhhhhhh.

thanks for listening.

-hannah rose.
July 29th, 2011 at 04:40pm