...I don't know how to flirt? o.o; && other stuff~

So I was out for a little bit today~

Met up with a few friends and they had this girl I never met before with them

annddd she started flirting and clinging on to me...which I admit was kinda annoying x.x

But it made me realize...I never flirted with a girl before xD

Maybe I did without realizing it...but I don't think so. And even if I did it was probably fail...

I don't think I KNOW how to flirt actually...Dx

I'm pretty inviting and welcoming but...I'm shy when it comes to stuff like that ;~; Inside...I want to flirt and I know a million things I can say/do...but I end up biting my lip and looking the other way xD

Oh well...Maybe one day when I meet the right girl I can do it...Cause that girl definitely wasn't worth the effort x.x she stole my phone and put in her number...What is that?

I wonder if she know's it got deleted....


I also found an old picture of me :3 It was when I was around 16/17 :O I look like a girl but I look cute so I let it slide xD


GAAAH I was soo cuuuute xD I wonder what happened...

Oh I got old. .__.


So nobody knows this (at least I think no one does)

But I pierce ears :3 Only for myself or people I know~

So today a friend asked me for a cartilage piercing and it was a rather close friend so I couldn't refuse

but I haven't done that many cartilage piercings o_o I know I won't mess up or anything but there's still that little fear inside if something goes wrong...

but yea I went through with it but everything went fine^^ piercing looks great~

and don't worry guys I know what I'm doing xD

I don't use guns for when I do cartilage piercings~ Too damaging and risky to use a gun

I use a needle :O not just a normal needle either xD

I can only do ear piercings though...I want to learn others though...actually learn...not take risks and just do it >.<

but yea need your ear pierced?

Call Ryuuuu~!


Maybe I should open a business

July 29th, 2011 at 11:24pm