All Time Low: Dirty Work. What do you think of the album?

So, I use to be a HUGE All Time Low fan. I still am, but now I listen to more metal and screamo. Anyways, I know a lot about them and they were my favorite band at some point. I actually got to see them live last year on the Bamboozle Roadshow 2010 in Pittsburgh, PA. When I heard the new album, Dirty Work, I wasn’t impressed. I thought it was good, but I think for a great group of guys that they could’ve done better. Every band changes and that is understandable. I took that into consideration, but I still wasn’t impressed with the album.
My question is what do you all think of the album? (Ex. lyrics, sound, style, anything) Was it better or worse than ATL’s older albums? Let me know what you think. Thanks :) If there is any confusion on a question please let me know so I can proofread it.
July 30th, 2011 at 04:29am