


Mibba's BBcodes
im just testing out something new lol so i wont have to explain everything in my story so if you are reading this just ignore it, its not a big deal haha so umm yeah thats all i think. im gonna put random facts about me now bcuz the journal thingy says this is too short.

I was born on June 17,1998 at Torrance Memorial Hospital and i was born exactly at 10:56pm so im a night baby haha. I recently turned 13 and i am a very busy teen /: i have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i live in a 2-story backwards house xD i love my friends & family. i love the colors: purple, blue, black. I hate annoying people. Im very friendly and i love making new friends. ok hopefully this is enough to submit haha.
August 1st, 2011 at 05:17am