harry potter audition XD

yeah, so weird day...
i resolved my differences with a couple of ex friends
ate loads of free choc chip cookies
and sat cross legged on a pavement with my friends, discussing our shortcomings [it was a bit depressing really]

the weekend should be good...
i'm starting my new job tomorrow. it's in a clothes shop. i've wanted to work in retail for such a long time =]
then, on saturday, i'm AUDITIONING FOR HARRY POTTER! it's the part of lavender brown.
the one condition is that girls can't wear make up when they're auditioning. i think it's so they can see your real features. a bit daunting; i just hope that the bosses don't take one look at me and then run screaming >.<
i don't usually tell people when i'm going for auditions, in case i don't get the part. but i'm so flipping excited about this. it's just....woooooooooowwwwwww

wish me luck for the weekend!
June 29th, 2007 at 07:51pm