New Hair...Again xD and memories <3

Soo....I did it. I dyed my hair. Again.


Forgive me I couldn't help myself ;~; But for sure this is the last time, the next time will be 2 or 3 months from now I promise :3

I'm terrified my hair really will fall out xDD

but on the bright side, it looks fantastic :D I'm loving it <3


see? I think the grey/silver hair looks best on me...And I love it the best x3

also my my makeup is pretty cool to eh...

I got fangs ;3 <3 RAWWR!


My mom was going to kill me when she saw my hair xD She loves when I dye it but not when I do it every other week o.o;

After she chased me around the house for a while calling me many mean things in japanese, she got over it xD

She even started saying how amazing it was....My mom is so bipolar xD


Btw everyone, I've been getting questioned about my looks and where it comes from, if I cosplay, etc etc

But my look is my own >.< I'm not trying to be anyone or anything.

Sure it was influenced a lot by visual kei, but I make it my own. There's no one directing me to do this or that with my looks, I do it myself.

I create my own look >.< I'm just being myself.

Everyone should try it sometimes <3


So I was digging through my laptop again and found another oldish picture :D


I miss my long purple hair ;~;

and the other person is Aoi <3 I can't remember how long we've been friends xD

But seeing old pictures reminds me of so much...good and bad..but still memories are memories~

After I seen that picture I called was a reflex...He asked why I called and I said "I don't know"....cause...I really don't know xDD

oh and btw that picture was taken at a purikura :3 I was in Japan during that picture I believe~

If you don't know what a purikura is, google it.

jk I'll tell you ;~; <3 I love you, you know I do :3

It's pretty much a photo booth where you can change the backgrounds of the photos, take a picture with a celebrity or cartoon character, choose different settings and even wear different costumes and stuff like that :3

awesome right? America doesn't seem to have many of these, it's pretty rare I think o.o

Really popular in Japan though...they're everywhere! xD

but yea....<3

That's all that happened to me o.o

Hope everyone has a nice wonderful awesome lovely funtastical day ;D <3
August 2nd, 2011 at 11:36pm