My rant about stupid people

Ugh so I hate stupid people who are loud and think they are soooo cool. FYI your not as cool as you think you are and all your friends make fun of you behind your back anyway so you migh as well go fall off the earth. On another note the cloths you ware don't cover up the ugly that's in your heart so next time you make fun of someone for where they buy their clothes at maybe you should be making fun of yourself.

Another thing about loud stupid people. THEIR LOUD.... Like really shut up!!! No one wants to hear you and your friends talk about well oh I don't know pretty much nothing sense you probly don't have a brain let alone scream it so the entire world can hear. Get a hearing aid of you can't hear the person next to you, because that my friend is an issue!!!!
August 3rd, 2011 at 02:14am