Not again....

Today was definitely one of THE worst days of my life. I have been officially been cast out by my family now, and the worst part about it is that I didn't do shit. Also, I got in a huge fight with my boyfriend on how I can never go see him, and it's true I have a really hard time being able to go see him but it's because he lives 3 hours away from where I live and I have no decent vehicle that will last 3 hours in this Texas heat mostly because we need to replace the oil pump and we don't have the money to do it right now. I don't know how it is that the problem elevated so much, but it got to the point that I realized that I was never going to be good enough for him so I broke up with him (never had to do that until now, it was horrible). Of course I really couldn't stay mad at him and we made up 10 minutes later (that's not such a bad event in my day actually, but everything leading up to it was). And last but not least when my boyfriend offered to come pick me up and take me to where he lives (well he asked if me and my brother could go since my parents wont let me go by myself) my mom said that I couldn't go and stay for a week.

My head hurts so bad right now, I don't know what to do anymore I just want to sleep and not wake up... Dreams are so much better then reality, especially those warm fuzzy dreams even though you forget about them as soon as you wake up.
August 3rd, 2011 at 05:31am