Theme Song/Video Contest

The Bitch Song, Bowling for Soup. (from jojo13617)

Love Like Woe, The Ready Set (from Divide the Joy)

What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction (from thailuv808)

Pardon Me, He is We (Stolen by: Kade Holloway)

Crush, David Archuleta (Real Video. Stolen by: brynjamin)

Mr. Brightside, The Killers. (from Kazla)

Another Heart Calls, All-American Rejects (from madalinaballerina)

Endlessly, The Cab (from carcrashhearts


Actual journal:

(look mostly at the bolded stuff)

What I would like is for SWTT to have a theme song before we move onto the next story, so by the end of the 2- or 3- stories, we can see how it's changed. That's the master plan.


Everyone is invited to enter.

A contest in which you browse youtube and find a suitable video which fits the theme of the story. Use this code to post it, inserting the url in the center:
[youtube](video page)[/youtube]
or use this to just link the video:
[url= (insert url here)] the words that will be linked to the page (ex: "Song Entry: Face-Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatis)" [/url]

The contest, since there have been so many new entries, will go on into the first week of my hiatus. The end time for sure will depend on when I post the epilogue, and I will tell you in the A/N and story status.

Give me a link to the song/inform me of the song you would like to enter or VOTE FOR here, in the story comments, my profile comments, or in a personal message.

SWTT has been a huge part of my life, and I only thought of it three months ago. I remember when I so badly wanted just ten subscribers, and now I get about that or more every chapter. A theme song is a way of introducing the story before it is read. In this way the readers will get an idea about the story before they even click on the first chapter.
It is also a fun way to invite all of you to share in the creative process of the story.


Where Will the Winning Video be Posted?
For one, it will be posted on the summary page for the story. I now have almost 300 subscribers, and it will be seen by anyone else who goes to visit the story.


FIRST PLACE (person(s) with most votes):
1. You will get the first FIVE chapters of SWHT, whether you want them all at once or one a day or something is up to your discretion.
2. Your song and name will be linked on the SUMMARY page of SWTT for as long as it exists.
3. I will read+comment+critique on three stories/poems/lyrics of your choice, provided they are not all very long (like I might not be able to read three of my-length stories).
4. I will participate in one of your current or future contests.
5. Your name and song will be linked in the following:
a) contest results journal
b) my signature
c) my "about" section for 1 month+
d) A/N of chapter following end of contest
e) as mentioned, in the summary of SWTT
f) I will also be posting it in the summary of SWHT. By the end of SWHF, there will be 3
songs in SWHF's summary.
6. I will create two banners and a layout for any story or stories of your choice.
7. I will brainstorm for any future story you attempt, including characters, plots, settings, and editing and amount of chapters you would like (I put this up for first-time or new-authors, but it is still applicable for everyone else.)
OR I will enter into a co-write with you.
8. On a side note, I am not only a lover of written works (I won't claim to be any type of real author :P), but I also like to draw. I will draw you one thing of your choice, up to four hours' work, colored on Paint Tool SAI and Photoshop. It can be a character of yours, multiple characters (up to 5), any other idea you may have, and possibly a portait, although I almost never do those.

SECOND PLACE (anyone with one or more votes but didn't win):
1. You will get the first THREE chapters of SWHT about a week before I post the first one, in the middle of my hiatus.
2. I will read+comment+critique two of your stories/poems/lyrics of your choice and participate in a future contest of yours (your choice).
3. I will help brainstorm a story and/or edit the first 5 chapters of aforementioned story.
4. I will create a banner and layout of any story of your choice.
5. Your name and song link will appear in:
a) my "about" section for 1 month+
b) contest results journal
c) A/N following the contest.
6.I will draw you a picture with any characters you want (two at most), colored on SAI and PS, up to 1 hour of work.

THIRD PLACE (any entries):
1. You will get the FIRST chapter of SWHT about a week before I post the first chapter.
2. I will read+critique+comment a story/poem/lyrics OR participate in a current or future contest of yours.
3. I will create a banner for any story of your choice.
4. Your name and song links will appear in:
a) the contest results journal
b) A/N in chapter following end of contest

1. You will get the first chapter about a week ahead of time ;)
2. recognition in the contest results journal

1. No innapropriate videos. By this I mean try to stick to the theme. Don't have a song that doesn't relate to the story at all. Feel free to explain why a particular song will fit, although this isn't required.
2. You can have either just a song of lyrics scrolling on the screen or a music video. Create your own video if you know how to do that kind of thing :)
I'll also accept non-songs, like a short youtube trailer-type thing in which the story is clear.Be creative, and people will definitely notice it.
3. If you use a video that someone else created, it would be nice to leave them a comment explaining that you're using it to enter a contest for a story or something.
4. You can enter AS MANY AS YOU WANT. There is an unlimited number of slots for this.

Thank you to everyone who has read and participated in the story thus far :) I love all of the quirky conversations I have had with commenters and subscribers. I hope you have fun with the contest! And feel free to let me know what you think about it and any feedback.
August 3rd, 2011 at 09:12am