Smile at the haters and High five the sky.

Okay this is my first entry soooo. Here it goes.. So this summer has been pretty great over all. I had a few things that put me down but Im so much happier now and I can honestly say that the things ive been through have made me a stronger person and I thank the people who have given me hard time because I really feel like I have grown and their words wont hurt me. Im not gonna hold any grudges, there is absolutely no point in it. So to piss my haters off Im just gonna be happy and be the best me I know how to be. Ill be real, Ive been a complete bitch to people in the past due to events thats not even worth talking about. But ive been thinking about it and I feel bad. So im sorry to the people who ive been a jerk to in the past year. Whoever will read this will probably think im just saying it to say it. But im not. This was just something I had to get off my chest. And it really needed to be out in the open. On a random note Im super excited for school because I get a chance to make this school year way better than last year. Because well, it kinda sucked.. With the bad grades and the drama and what not.. But hopefully this will be a better year. Im more than determined for it to be. Im going back as a new improved, single me(: That means a huge stupid smile on my face and hop in my step.. that sounded really dumb.. But you get the point.
August 3rd, 2011 at 11:49pm