I need some rain...

I am very very depressed. There was this guy i knew on mibba. I really liked him, though i really don`t know him. We met on chat one day, we talked a for maybe an hour. I dont know exactly what made me like him but something in me just happened. Usually i would only take interest on a guy on the internet because I`m desperate, but i dont think thats why i like him. He`s different. When we were talking we did a little roleplay thing were we sat under a tree, looked up at the stars,held hands, and kissed like maybe three times. I am not sure if he was playing along with me just to be nice or because he kinda liked me too. Anyone reading this right now probably thinks im crazy or something and maybe i am. Anyway, me and the guy emailed each other a little because i read some of his journal entries and they were very sad. He said he needed someone to talk to, someone to be there for him. I told i wanted to be that person(as much as i possibly could online). We only emailed once. We haven`t spoke since. A little after that i deleted my account i used with him and made this one. I recently added him as a friend. Anyone reading this probably thinks im really crazy now. Now for the guy i have been talking about in this journal, If you are reading this i hope you understand how i feel and dont think im crazy. I know what you have gone through. I really like you and i wanna talk with you again.I hope we can get to know each other more. I hope you read this.
Now as for the title of this journal. I said i need some rain because gives me time to think about things. I only expect sympathy in the comments people will write on this not get a life crazy! or get off the internet and get a real relationship!Thats all. Bye.
August 4th, 2011 at 01:49am