I need someone to listen for a moment | I also need some help with writing..? :D PLEEEAASSE!!

SO! Last night I was hanging out with my boyfriend and a couple other friends, yeah? I had to go home for a minute and I was like:

"Can we stop by my hizouse?"

And everyone is all:


So, I had a small argument with my boyfriend cause I wanted him to take me home when we were done, and he wanted me to just drive myself. mer...

Then Nicolas says, "I'll take you home when Shayna goes home."

He didn't.


I fell asleep woke up and nobody was there except for Nic. I woke him up. He didn't know where anyone was. And told me to walk home. He believes he never said that he would take me home.

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Then we got into an argument and had a friend take me home. My other two friends aggreed with me. And i'm still pissy and he's pissy.

-end rant-

So, I have some story ideas jumbling around in my head, but I think I want to do some co-write stories. Only because It's hard for me to motivate myself to do the entire thing and finish it.

So mibbians! I need a dedicated co-writer that wants to help me write a story! :] I mean, it's not that I can't do my own story, it's just that it's hard for me to keep it going.

I psyke (sp? [seriously how do you spell this?]) myself out about things all the time. You know?

I'd like to do some origninal fiction and fan fiction. If you're interested in this let me know and we can be fraaannns and we can plan a wonderful story! And it will be filled with.... AWESOMESAUCE :D

Thank you lovelies! <3

-Celina :]
August 4th, 2011 at 07:45am