I deleted him from my contacts so I don't have to see his name anymore. I'm ignoring everything from him now. I didn't think I would, but I feel so much better. I feel like that drama is gone. I know when school starts again, things might get difficult. But I am going to try my best.
Anyways, I don't feel like I have any TRUE friends. I only have three, but one doesn't really count because she is my neighbor and she is more of a sister :). But those three friends are the ones I really trust and can tell everything to. The others act like they are my best friends and that they love me but they never make an effort to hang out or talk to me or anything. So, I just ignore them.
What ever, my life isn't that interesting. I just sit at home all day on the computer :P. I used to have my sister to talk to, but she's moved out. She lives with her boyfriend now. I'm the youngest. I'm 13, my brother is 21, and my sister is 20. I hate being the youngest. When I was younger and my siblings were in high school, I would always want to know what they were doing. I would always try and hang out with them when they had friends over (mainly my sister). They thought I was annoying, but I wasn't trying to be. I just wanted to hang out with the cool, older kids. I just admired them. So, if you are the older sibling, and your little sibling is always trying to hang out with you and your friends, they aren't trying to be annoying, they just admire you.
August 4th, 2011 at 05:33pm