Comment Monsters Contest

Mibba Magazine is running a Commenting Contest!

The Task

Each participant has the month to comment on as many stories, poems, and articles as they possibly can. The person who has left the most comments is the winner(s).

The Prize

At the end of the month, as the winner(s) is declared, all participants who wish to sign up for the next month's round of the contest must comment on at least one story (or poem) of the winner. In the next issue of the Mibba Magazine, in Comment Monsters column, the winner(s) will be announced. There they will be able to tell Mibbians of the favorite stories, poems and articles they read and commented on. Winners will also be able to let participants know which stories or poems they'd specifically like to be commented.

For more information or to sign up, head over to The Comment Monsters Contest Thread.

The contest ends August 26th. So get commenting!
August 5th, 2011 at 02:46am