Nick Jonas and Animewolfgirl666 are my otp

Ugh, usernames like Animewolfgirl666. :( Whaaaaaaaaaat are you dooooooooing? Although, worse still, are all the tumblr url's that consist of things like: angrycunt, kawaiibitch, unicorns666. I don't get it. Who are you trying to impress? Those names just ugly.

This song is ridiculously catchy and the video is beyond whack. Spoilers: she farts out colors at one point.

Finally, I must admit I'm pretty damn good at writing 500 words of a story in one sitting, being excited, saving it, and never looking at it again. Right now I have about 5 "stories" waiting to be finished, and this does not take into account all the plots in my head that I've yet to actually write down. And though I sort of hate Quizilla, I have to give some of those kids props for getting ridiculously far into stories, I mean like chapter 67 or 48. That's all, also I posted a poem called Electronic Messanger, and yea it's a poem. It would only take a minute of ya life.

Speaking of poems, is anyone else frustrated with the number of cutting, suicide, death, etc. poems? I mean, I guess it's worth getting your feelings out, but it's like a sea of depression in the Poetry section, and, honestly, not all of it is fabulously written, if I can just say that. Which is why I was excited when I found this one poem everyone should read (I bookmarked it.)

Finally, let's take a moment to appreciate Nick Jonas's big butt.

August 5th, 2011 at 05:27am