I got on project fiction!! What?! Comment swap?


I would first like to say that I AM NOT BRAGGING. And if it comes accross that way, I send my deepest and most sincere apologies to you because I HATE people who brag, and I try my best not to do that.

I have been trying to get on Project Fiction since I was in seventh grade and I first joined this jolly good fiction website called Quizilla. (I know what you're all thinking, DUN DUN DUNNNN) And all I did was write this awful totaly overtly romantic sotries that were complete crap and I would nominate them all and now that I look back on that I totally see my mistake... But hey, we all dream. Anyway, I promised myself I'd get on the list before my freshman year was up, but that obviously didn't happen as I am about to be a Junior in high school. But better late than never right?!

Anyway I nominated my newest story Skipping a Beat on there and it got accepted and I am through the moon, seriously. I could hug and kiss every single last one of my readers and commenters who kept me going. Seriously, they are like the sole reason I write, I love them all with all of my heart and if you're a reader or subscriber of Skipping a Beat, I give you a virtual hug.

This means so much to me, especially because when I finish with this story I'm going to try my best to get it published which is nerve wracking, especially consider I'm pretty young to be published. Oh well.

But seriously. I LOVE YOU ALL OKAY?!

Swap on Skipping a Beat? Yes.

August 5th, 2011 at 06:27pm