How Did I Think of a name for Katie's Story When I Haven't Even Really Started Planning?

Hi there!

For my SWTT readers (I don't know if this will be posted in the next chap or not), I have figured out the name of Katie's story! Actually, I had forgotten that I wanted this as a name for a story, but when I saw "sacrifice" I remembered it. And Katie's story is perfect.

Now what is it?

Drumroll, please . . . . . *danananana! (pronounced DUH-NA-na-naaaah)*

Sacrifice of Solitude.

Whatcha think?

And the contest is still going on, I have already gotten entries! I'm posting an update tonight, and there WILL be videos available for steal, so watch out for that!!! Find the contest info here, and keep checking out as the day progresses for a chance to steal one of the songs: Theme Song/Video Contest Journal Entry

1) What do you think about the name "Sacrifice of Solitude?" I feel there's a lot I can do with it.
2) Have you read SWTT?
3) Are you going to try to steal a song?
4) Random; when do you start back school again, if you are?
5) What grade? (Ima junior now :3)
6) Do you know who Katie is? (she's been a side character mostly.)
August 5th, 2011 at 09:44pm