A curious guy contemplating cosmetics.

Why is it so important to people if one wears makeup or not? What is the big controversy?
Is it, oh, you wear makeup so you must be super fake and artificial and you are super ugly without it and I am superior because I don't wear makeup at all? I hate that, I hate people who bitch about that. It's like... It's like telling someone
Don't wear those clothes that you like.
Stop watching things that you like.
Don't pierce your ears.
Stop hiding your body insecurities with clothes.
Stop crying into your blanket when you are scared.
Stop helping people who need help.
Don't wear accessories you think are pretty because that is so ARTIFICIAL and FAKE..
Do you see where I'm getting here? Those people are preventing others from doing something that makes them feel good and safe and happy.
What is so wrong with wearing makeup?
My girlfriend, for example, is an aspiring model and when she has the option, she does makeup. Her collection is rather exquisite and.. sometimes she gets.. creative. But it's art, she paints in her own way using the face as a quality canvas. It's amazing what you can do.To have so much passion to express beauty on human skin? How could you think that is bad?
I guess you can consider this more of a rant that anything else.
August 7th, 2011 at 07:47pm