weird memories

first, this is things i remember from as a kid to now that are weird.
i was really little at my aunts house. i had to go to the bathroom and it was down a long dark hall and i swear i thought there was monsters there.

i was at another little girls house. we were in her play room and our moms were put on the deck. she gave me a toy and said here play with this. then she was like give it back and slapped me.

next, i was at school and my friends and i were on the play ground on a climbing dome and a weird little kid that put ketchup in his make and cheese climbed up and started listening to our conversation.

finnaly from this past year my friends and i were going trick or treating and there was this one hou with a gut dressed like a murder slumped in a chair. i knew he was going to try to scare us.' when we walked by he got up and started walking really close behind us. it was creeepy. then the lady eith the candy bowl gave me like ten extra pixie stix.

these memories may not be exactly right (it's hard to remember the halloween one) but thtas what i remeber. pretty weird right. any who reads this should make a response journal or tell me some of your weird memories in the commets :)
August 8th, 2011 at 04:17am