weird memories

ready to call the loony bin on me? cool let's get started!!

~One time when i was 3 i thought there was an egyptian princess at my window everytime i went to bed....yea idk why

~When i was like 3 me, my mom, and my 2 grammas were in a resturaunt and these 2 teens girls kept looking at me and smiling at me and playin with me and stuff. when they looked away, I screamed "WOMEN!!!!" haha

~ in 3rd grade (i admit i was really weird back then) I told a popular girl that i wanted to marry her and buy her strapless wedding dress...idk why id did that one either haha

~in 3rd grade i was trick-r-treating with my sis and there was a gorilla on the front porch of this house. it jumped out at us and i screamed like a girl, dropped my candy, and ran across the street almost 3 blocks.

~in 4th grade i was channel surfing and i found a station (didn't know what it was back then but i do now) it was a porn station and i pretty much watched a half hour of porn without knowing it.

~in 4th grade a creepy stalker chick (who still stalks me to this day) asked me out to burger king. i said no so she flipped me over onto the pavement.

~in 4th grade me and my friends (yea not many) played flight 29 down (a kiddier version of lost) everyday on the plaground and I was Jackson haha.

~ in 4th grade me and some other peeps tried to make a soap opera! haha

~in 4th grade my 1st girlfriend thought she was a witch and we all believed her. we did all kinds of stupid things at recess like try to catch fairies, turn invisble, and call up a ghost

~in 5th grade i had a crsuh on my gym teacher (she had man hair)

~in 6th grade i refused to kiss my girlfriend (different one) on her birthday and broke up with her haha

~ in 7th grade at halloween me and a few friends went trick or treating and liz (punkchicklol) found a piece of candy and it was like in a plain black wrapper and it looked like a salt water taffy wrapper but we didn't eat it haha.
August 8th, 2011 at 04:40am