girl help. (guys and girl's advice welcome)

So there's this girl I like. Let's say her name is...Megan. I met her two years ago when i started middle school (now gonna be in 8th grade). we talked a lot in 6th grade cuz we had a lot of classes together and stuff. This year though (7th grade) i was in no classes at all with her. My other friend....Don we'll say. Likes her too and asked her out. she told him no cuz she lied someone else and stuff. About a week before he asked her out, at an art show we talked for the whole time and just hung out that's when I started liking her like...a lot. So maybe I'm the dude she likes? idk. I've only asked out 2 girls ever. One was one of my best friends and i almost ruined out friendship. the other was just a girl who i talk a lot to. she said no hurt haha. but idk how to ask her out without havin it be all creepy and awkward or whatever. does she even like me? i REALLY want to ask her out a lil while after school starts. help please??? thanks a bunch =)
August 8th, 2011 at 05:00am