Happy birthday to me/About Institutionalized

So, hello Mibbians! Here comes another journal from Bloody.

I had my birthday last Friday! I got an iPod Touch (I'm actually typing this journal entry on it...fun fun :D) as a gift, which made me super happy. I can't download any apps yet, but whatever. I'm enjoying it a bunch.

Also, some news about my story Institutionalized...I've mentioned before that my laptop can be a total buttface, and it's being one now. It has no Internet, and since my story is on the laptop, I can't upload new chapters. But rest assured, this will straighten itself out and new chapters will be up soon!

Also, I may be on hiatus for a while...I have a family vacation coming up soon, so hopefully I'll get my new chapters up by then.

That's all, now go about your business, everyone.
August 8th, 2011 at 07:59pm