Dude, it's UPROAR!

I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO UPROAR!!!!!!!!!! :D I can't wait! This'll be my first time seeing ALL those bands! I'm most excited for Avenged Sevenfold since they're one of my 2 favorite bands! We got really good seats too! I'm going with my best friend! We've been through it all together, the good, the bad, and the concerts! Here's another ticket to add to our not-as-famous-as-we-like-to-think wall of concert ticket! Anyone else going? What city? Maybe we'll see you!
Is anyone else totally stoked about Uproar? Lemme know what your take is on this years bands!
Well that's all. I just wanted to let you know how excited I was(:
In other news, I get a physical tomorrow. I love volleyball though, so I don't mind!
I have nothing else to say!
Bye for now I guess!(:
<3 Mo :)
August 9th, 2011 at 08:54am