Ugh, the life of Mibba. OH, and a job! [+questions, because I love questions]

Oh, Mibba. There are days when you just make no sense.

I'm not going to go into detail, but Mibba sucks for me right now. There's the possiblity that I could be banned. Awesome, so I'll never get to show you guys what story ideas I have coming up. Eh, I'll move into Wattpad or Inkpop then, but they have really weird names, which I hate. I just want to say, if I do get banned, it's been great here with all you guys. There's a ton of really great people and writers here, so yeah.

Onto the less dramatic bits.

I got a job! Whoo! I shall be serving ice cream to little children at the State Fair late August. I'm really happy. I'll have money for the clothes I want to buy and maybe some makeup if I feel like it. Yum, ice cream. xD I'm pretty much all over the place right now so sorry if this journal is messed up. You'll all probably just skip to the questions. :)


1. You didn't just skip to the questions, did you? -.-
2. How's your life? GOT A JOB? xD
3. Favorite thing about Mibba?
4. Not so favorite thing?
5. I wanna read, got something for me to read?

Later Mibbians.
August 9th, 2011 at 11:37pm