Bugs Scare Me/Today!

Confession time!


To the point where it's not even funny. Seriously! It isn't funny!! What is it called when you have a phobia of bugs? Bugphobia?

Well, I dunno. Anyway, there was this fly in my room and it randomly died by my keyboard when I was typing my story. I saw it when I took a drink of water. I screamed and ran to my bed and hid there until someone went and cleaned it up for me.

That's so seriously sad. Even little ANTS scare me! Honestly...if there was an ant crawling on my finger, I would die. Of fear.

Bugs are so scary!!

With their creepy little legs, and their creepy buggy eyes and...*shudders* I don't wanna think about it anymore...


Today, I woke up at 8:00 to go to camp. So when I arrived at 9:00 I was going to go into the school. (Camp starts at 9:00)

So our destination is a technical high school. Techinal high schools are where they teach special kinds of subject. Like hairstyling (I saw the studio! It was so cool!), fashion designing, carpenter work, and auto stuff. They have normal subjects too. But anyway, the high school was really really big. (Like a University) Our class was only on the first floor, so there was no messing with stairs.

It was pouring, so I went into school. The door closed behind me...

And it was pitch black. With a few lights, of course. But it was scary.

And me--being the person I am--watch way too many horror movies for my own good. So I half-expected an maniac with an axe to leap out of a classroom and come after me.

I got freaked out, so I waited outside for someone. But since we moved rooms to the further one, everyone went in from the back. So I was pretty much the only person who went in from the front. So I knew no one was coming.

So I put my earplug from my iPod on and played the music. (At the time, it was playing 'In My Head' By Jason Derulo. I guess party songs help the fear...) Then I took a deep breath and ran through the freaky long hallways.

Whyen I reached the room and I was so relieved! Scariest exprience ever! Never run through a giant high school that has a power outage! Luckily, there were no crazy maniacs on the loose...so....hopefully no on died...but yeah...

Anyways! Read, laugh, comment, whatever. :)

August 10th, 2011 at 01:56am