Okay, so,

I've got two HP fan-fics up, "For the First Time", mainly circling around Fred & George, and "My Love For You Is Still Unknown", a Draco/Harry love story. At the moment, I am thinking about starting a new HP FF, and am in need of characters.

Soooo, if you want to be in the story, here is something to fill out:

Name of your Character:
A Character you want to end up with (optional):
Best friend of your character:
Hair Color:
Eye color (can be any color you want them to be):
Personality type (angry, happy, hyper, etc):

Here's what mine will be:
Layla Finnigan (not related to Semus; yes you can choose to have the same last name as a character, and choose if you want to be related to them or not)
Neville (maybe, most likely not though)
Bright Green

So, as I said, if you want to be in it, send me a PRIVATE message and I'll add you in. It'll most likely be started once I get a few more characters up. If you choose to use one of your own character names, let me know and I will make sure you get credit for the character, even though you'll be getting credit for it anyway since you came up with it. If you want to get with a character from the book, comment on here the name of said character that you messaged me with, that way others will know.

I can also have a side story going on in it with the lovey-dovey couple BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT. I will say this now, if it happens that you like a certain character in the story and the personality, and you want to use it, MAKE SURE YOU MESSAGE THE PERSON WHO GAVE ME THE NAME (the links of everyone's profile will be in the story when their characters come into the story) AND ASK THEM. I don't want to have anything started up. All I ask really, is that you don't steal the idea for the story once I work out the kinks in it. It took me a long while to get the idea to sound decent enough for a story.

So, as stated up, send me a PM with your info and post the character you get with on the comments. I will message you back immediately letting you know if you have the pair or not. If you want your character to be gay/lesbian/bi or whatever, let me know, and I'll make sure to add it in.

Much Loves From,
Mischievous Weasley
August 10th, 2011 at 02:02am