Noah Says: Hi.

I'm TDI Noah! I was once a contestant on Total Drama Island and World Tour! I'm not particularly single and love my boyfriend, Cody, unconditionally! <3 (Yes, I went there...) I also have a need to be a bit sarcastic, cynical and lazy. (Oh, please, like you people out there aren't lazy, too.) Anyway, I love reading, playing video games and avoiding work as much as possible. :) Pleasure is mine. ;D Anyway, I guess I've been kind of lazy on the FF that I've been working on with my sister's friend, Gabbie. Say, "Hi." Gabbie.

Gabbie: Don't talk to the weasel, Charlie! NYAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

0.0 ... Akward... Anywho, please feel free to read my story, "Life Is A Runway: A NoCo Fanfiction" on GothNoah13's page(Otherwise, known as me, brainiacs.). Have a NoCo-- I mean, "nice" day... -///-
August 10th, 2011 at 08:39pm