You promised me a night with the stars, I`ll meet you in heaven.

I lay awake in bed at night just thinking of you. How much I hurt you, how much I miss you. But I`ve promised myself that I`d never hurt you ever again. So I ignore the fact that my heart is aching to just see you again. Just to breath in your scent again. I miss thoughs late night we stayed up together. I miss your lips on mine as we were entangled with a kiss. I miss sitting on your lap while you play your nerdy computer games or as I play Sims. I miss you so much and I`m happy that you don`t know that because I know that`ll only make you miss me. I never want to see you again because I know I`ll fall in love with you again. Go finnd a girl that will treat you like a king bevause that`s waht you are and you deserve it. If I could take back that night and following day I would. If I could spend a day with you I woulf only if I knew you would forget it because I don`t want you to miss me. I wish magic was real because I would make you forget me. I would make you forget the pain I caused you. I would take back every inch of pain I caused you. I want you to be happy you that, you deserve the best even if you don`t think so. I would give up my happiness for you to be happy for the rest of your life... I would die to save your life. </3
August 11th, 2011 at 03:51am