Psh, Sleep is for Losers

So...summer ALWAYS = wonky sleep habits.
The day before the day before yesterday (xDD) I'd been up until about 6:00 AM and then slept until 9:40 something.
So the day before yesterday, I'd fallen asleep at about midnight.
My brother woke me up at 1:30 because he didn't feel like sleeping and he wanted someone to talk to (he's 18 years old, couldn't he go out and, like, party or something?...o.O).
So then we didn't go to bed until about 5:00 because we were playing video games...
I kicked his ass lolz. (I'm sorry, that'll never happen again, I promise.)
So then I woke up at about 3:00 PM and went nightswimming at a friend's house at midnight, then slept over.
We watched Charlotte's Web (-_______-) until 4:46 AM, then we fooled around until about 5:50 something.
Then we slept until 11:16 AM.
Then we swam and stuff, blaw blaw, I went home and fell asleep on the couch at, like, 9:00 PM.
Got woken up at 10:30.
I'm not tired at all anymore, and I'll probably be up until 5 or 6.
I hate this.
Whenever I stay up all night I get massive head aches. >.<
This is no fun.

*le sigh*
This day is just getting better and better.
June 30th, 2007 at 06:39am