Great. Effin'. Day! [August 11, 2011]

So...Some previous journals have been my conflicted emotions over my current boyfriend and my really really good friend. Well, yesterday I went out with said friend and I had the best time ever. before I get off on a tangent this is how my day went.

Swimming + Sunburn + Car Alarms + Cheddars + Massage + Xbox + TGI Friday's with his brother and another friend + Difficult Trivia + Two Virgin Pina Coladas + My friend's shocked face ( which was priceless) + the phrase "'EY YO B*TCH!!!!" = Reallly REALLY Good day.

Omg. I was hysterical. So we had gone to TGI Friday's with his brother and his brother's friend Micaela. So, were there playing trivia and what not and she ends up reminding me of a time where me and my twin (AKA my cousin) were trying to call to my mom who was in the living room while we were in the kitchen. After countless timesof calling out "Mom", "Mommie" and "Titi Judy", my cousin decides to be funny and go "EY YOU B*TCH!". What's funny is that my mom answered. So I tell Micaela this and she (who had been drinking) starts to laugh and wants to shout that out at someone to see if they answered. She did it and the person answered which just made us laugh and giggle while the boys are staring at us like we were insane. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. Hehe.

I haven't had this much fun in a while. Like..a long while. I am not counting Prom since it seemed to be a fluke. :( But this seriously made me think "Why am I not with him like I should be?" So, dear Mibba my confliction seems to be ebbing away as I learn what to do.


So how are you dear mibba? Any one have funny stories they'd like to share? :3
August 11th, 2011 at 08:02pm